Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Up North With Clint

Clint took me with him on his delivery route yesterday; it was a good change from the normal of teaching school and trying to troubleshoot mild problems.
There's a completely different world out there, one different from my environment of the same students day after day with different needs and unexpected needs and outbursts. Material and commerce are important to our society, and without it, things would be very, very different. Who knows if we could have lifted humanity out of our ancestor's grinding cycle of famine and a little more than that without the havoc of human indifference toward others in order to move forward enlightened self interest; what people today call capitalism. It's made things better for many, and for that I'm grateful. But then there's all of that worrisome collateral damage that few bother to think about...
We went to at least eight of his customers, dropping off their blades sharpened 'better than new' as he likes to say. It's fun to just sit and talk and not worry about the things that I usually have to deal with, but I know there is a way that is a lot more extroverted in its levels of stress.

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