Saturday, August 25, 2018

Anniversary 27

Very glad that Diedre has stuck by me for more than 27 years. I'm not just saying that- no one reads this anyway and it's pretty much a multi-purpose album, screed, and family history thing, so there's nothing to be gained-  so there...
She is the best. She is the strongest. She is the prettiest. She is the kindest. She is herself.

We had a grand drive up to Woodruff, Utah and back over the course of about eleven hours. Good hours spent, and beautiful country seen.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Just a little filter, I'm telling ya. Not much.
This is late summer for us...

Monday, August 20, 2018

Aged Summer Dreams

Summer lasts forever in some dreamer's hearts, and other find ways to keep it going forever in reality.
This old stick is one of my reminders of hope when endless midsummer turns to winter and long twilight.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Long Roads and Short Summers

A short trip to Costco turned into a long, exasperating adventure.

The season is winding down; as the fifteenth of August comes around, one knows in the bones that Summertime is getting long in the tooth and dusty. Temparatures, though still too darned hot much of the time, start to trend downward and the evenings get cool enough for a sweatshirt betimes.
Plus, the asters come out in the field and on the lawn...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

More Change and Such

The kids are all back from the ranch- I think the one who really missed them all being around was this one. He's active, he's brilliant, he's fun, but he thrives on the activity and energy that comes from his elder brothers and sisters.

Here's the pick up of the last camper of the summer- she had fun and who knows? Maybe she even learned some stuff...

The Ryan was able to stop by from time to time, too. Glad he has a job that takes him though the sticks to say hi.

Grills, Messy and Partially Abandoned Herb Gardens, Aging Picnic Tables, and Tricycles

Some of the best things about the summer season.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Fires and the BCS Ranch

Jesse and Tor are out doing fire duties, one for the forest service and the other with the city on the same fire. Smoke is in the air and the sun keeps trying to shine hard; it's hot and more hot and hotter still. Eight to fifteen degrees hotter than normal during most of the summer...

We went out to the ranch to get the Anwyn, enjoying the company of many interesting, outgoing folks. I very much enjoy seeing my girls work well together and garner the support and admiration of good people.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


We're enjoying summer well. Many changes and steps down from previous standards, what became expectations, and various hopes about life, but other things have remained constant and carried us through.
Glad to have Diedre, always, and good friends who understand and don't expect to agree all the time make me feel great.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

More Water and That Girl

Why not? The captive water flows and the girl gets away from the garden every so often, so it's good to commune with the both of them.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Back and Forth, Between Sanctuary and Society

The four big boys spend the past couple of days helping Tennessee with the Bluegrass Fest and/or the firefighters raise money with their concessions. Hard workers- some might even call them workaholics, especially that Oldest Boy.

I go between the paths less travelled and making sure all are well and tended to; balance isn't an easy order for me at any time, moreso this summer than any other time I remember.

Glad I have good company, no matter where I choose to be at any one time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Over the other side of the Skyline

Up to the  mountains with the Syme's we went yesterday, hiking along ridges and over soil baked and dusty with a summer that brings fire from the heavens and fuels its increase with old stock and a will to burn.
But Our outing was splendid, with sights and sounds and tastes that brought balm to my parched old soul.