Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bikes and the Boy

Went out on a ride with Tor on the Cedar loop. It was nice to be hit by a few big drops as we rode, it's such a hot old summer.

There's Ianto and his reward for being the best little brother. He really is just that.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Still Burning

The Levan fire is still burning, so hopefully, things will start changing with the weather and the luck o' the firefighters.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Back in the old days, that's how chidden rode in cars. Notice the lass' position relative to the front seat, the driver's cavalier attitude to the safety of his passenger.
I know i'd be much more careful with her; after all, that's my sweet girl, Diedre at the very beginning of the seventies.
Amazing little historical document. Not only for the change in safety standards, but for the beauty of the girl and those big old cars...

Things were pretty today, as well. Glad for the monsoons this year, we are.

Light on the Subject

There's much to enjoy when one opens one's eyes to possibilities and light before the day fades.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Jesus' Road Rig

Saw this one on the way to work this morning. Sure is good to see he's getting out and on the road these days. With all of the troubles and crummy luck we humans are having, at least he's seeing the sights even if it's all gone to hell...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Picnic and Kids

We had a good time over at Dallin's house while he was back in town for a weekend-wicked good Mexican food and the beginnings of the garden pickings.
All of our kids are sure a big help with the young Ianto. Here's one of Tor hanging with the lad; it's good to have help and happy people doing it.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Three Summer Views

I wrote this one for July's Granary gathering.

On this rolling, tumbling trail
where there is only a small space between here and the grove
and barely enough time for the Spirit of Christ
to show through the eyes of a convicted felon,
we spread truth still, sending it to pasture in meadows of rice grass
sown and tended by none,
with blades of no width,
and roots of less depth on the breeze.

It’s often a tree blown down or
an umbrella torn from the café table;
but through a child’s eyes,
the beat goes down and the melody comes up
day after day after day after day-
just remember to dust off and oil up the tools
as the harvest comes on…

Soil, bones, and tears of at least 31 flavors
become loam for our conjoined dream
that increases in strength and vibrance with each night=
an alternate reality in a place grown weary of bragging rights and plastic bins-
Meanwhile, we are yet removing garden rocks and ruined wood,
building forts and making hay

while Autumn’s cool seems far off.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Long Summer Evenings

Sometimes those out-of-focus shots are worth saving because they record the gloaming light and the best of times with family.
Here's a couple of those; walks and rides as the sun sets and the heat of the day fades. This is the kind of thing that echoes though the winter as bones freeze and hope fades in the middle of January, so hold tight, all!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Cooking and Seeing

Summer days are long on possibility and beauty. That's one thing that's fair universal no matter where you go; humans can generally pick up on beauty and create opportunities no matter where they plant themselves.
Independence day is a good one to reflect on what's gone before and what is hoped for with future days to come, and that's what happened here at the little house on the high desert- we talked about what we've done and thought about some things that would be nice to see happen.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Out With the Old

A summer begun with the banishment of a fridge- 
The darned thing has fought hard for ten years against the onslaught of several kids up to the count of nine and needs an easier job for a while until its eventual demise. It's down to the cellar for this fridge and in with a new, wee bit larger box for the kitchen. 
It probably won't do much better, but it'll be a few degrees colder, I warrant.