School started a couple of weeks ago, and I've had a time of it rebalancing myself to having the two jobs at once after a relatively unconfined summer. My children, blog, relationships and soul have suffered for the process. I can tend toward the manic-depressive side, especially at these junctures.
I realized that I've not written in a long time this evening, in part because a
dear friend from the other side of the world sent me a kind word and wish yestereve. That had the effect of bringing me to reflect upon my tendency to wrap up into a ball and disappear from the world at different levels sometimes.
For those who don't know me in realtime, or have had no contact for a while, I am an English teacher at a rural alternative high school and spend my evenings responding to the English homwork of students at the Utah Electronic High School, an online highschool sponsored by the state of Utah. There is much patience required in both jobs, and energy by the gobs is spent just keeping my wits and cool at levels capable of keeping my keel from toppling over much of the time.
I have worked in the field of 'at-risk' education for most of the past fifteen years, and I love it. I have enjoyed the interaction of good human beings who have been, for the most part, mislabled. I have benefitted from their talents and wisdom much more than I have taught them, at times.
It's hard work, though. Teaching involves much more than just teaching. Especially in the case of my dear students.
At any rate, I do withdraw sometimes, and most of the time, I have a hard time even recognizing that act.
So if I don't post for a while, that might be at least some of what's going on. I'm sure glad I have such good friends and that person above all people, Diedre, to keep me moored to a good port.
I'll have put up a couple other posts tonight before I go horizontal. I really am grateful for all I have, and I'm really glad that I have this little blog. It's a good place to connect, from time to time. I think that's good for me.