Friday, March 25, 2022

Road Closed and Flowers Sprouted


This is what we have to look forward to for a couple of months, at least. 

But without community and with nothing but sweepstakes winners schlorping from the real estate troughs and bringing whirlwinds and pits for all of our neighbors, what hope will this dry, locust-riddled land bring to our grandchildren?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Out to the Swell

There was a time not long ago even by the reckoning of a young person when one could venture out into the desert and see very few people, and not only on trails and in the back country- on the main roads it wasn't uncommon to see one or two people every couple or three hours. That's not the way it is now.
This time we saw as many as seven cars and three trucks and trailers along with a couple of loud mouthed side-by-sides all at the same time from a side trail ovelooking a section of road no more than a third of a mile long. That's a sad contrast, and one that I didn't think would happen over the space of a few years. 



Neverthless, we had a good time and tried hard to be grateful for what we have. Even it might not last long.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Pan-Celtic Fest 2022



A new age of friends and loved ones participated in this year's Saint Paddy celebration, and the food was superb. 

It would be nice if this would become a real holiday followed by another holiday so it wouldn't  be so danged hard to drag out of bed to go to work the next morning, though.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Skiing and Loganing



Jerusha hosted a lark up to Logan and Beaver Mountain so we could get away for a couple of days to ski and spend some time, well, you know, living. 

It was memorable and too damned short.