With constant threat (but not much reality in Utah, at least) of fire, a threat of new COVID’s and a newly collapsing economy, there’s been talk of changes in the house in the Burningham family as we try to get along with new and fairly recent upheaval as the winter comes on.
Jesse's in South Korea, Bryn is working as a manager and curator for a local gallery, Jeru is getting ready to work up at Beaver Mountain for the winter again, Tor preps for a stent as an Alta hot shot next spring and summer, Hyrum doddles with school and tries to figure out what he wants to do with himself as he enjoys his little adobe house/studio, Asher fixes cars and leaves things unfinished from time to time, Anwyn grows up and loses friends to far away moves, Miya grows a foot and a half in one year, and Ianto is wandering around and dealing with all these bizzaro changes...
But it is good to be alive and with each other as much as we're able to get it together.