Today was a beautiful day; blue skies and warm temperatures kept at arm's length the inevitability of autumn's demise at the hand of the iceman who cometh.
It had to happen. There hasn't been much success in the fishing holes close to home, and this school year has been and is being a bugger, so Ryan and I lit for Moab and the slickrock and bookstores associated therewith.
We rode a trail, drank some brews, saw across divine vistas and drank at a trough of beauty undiminished even by divisive politics and rampant commerce.
And why did I not record the experience with photos of other than a raw juice drink in a bright cup? It's so hard to describe the colors, panoramas and junipers sometimes. I don't have the heart to compose the shots right now; not today at least. Dumb cameras, anyway. Besides- I left the danged thing in the car with the rest of the dross.