Here's a wider view of the lake, 'tis a beauty to behold and a privilege to be on. When I was in the middle of trying to land this fish, the wind died to nothing, the water glassed, and the sun came out from a large bank of clouds. For a few moments, I could scarcely focus on the fight I had on with the brookie, the scenery was so idyllic and the colors so bright.
It was a nice trip, including a night hike with a bit of an errant shortcut and a late deer-dodging trip home.
A view of the lake earlier in the morning, looking to the east
Further to the southeast.
Here's a view of the lake just a couple of hundred yards to the west. Only about a sixth of the Deercreek's size, it is an interesting anomaly. It looks like a volcanic rift, surrounded by pyroclastic boulders and debris on all sides.
The same, looking further south.
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