Sunday, June 12, 2005

It's been a while since I posted any local images, so, in the spirit of springtime (and in contrast to the rest of the day's miserable posts), I give you several clickable photos:

Isn't this what you think of when YOU think spring??? I don't think ol' G. Hayduke would be fond of this particular roadsign, especially since it maligns all the 'good' chemicals. Damn herbicides fertilizers and pesticides, anyway.
I reckon they're currently a "necessary" evil in our culture, unless you want a citation from your local Beautification Committee, that is.

This is taken north of Fairview, looking toward the south.

Ryan and I heading over the mountain to fish the Huntington, near the summit looking west.

Same vantage, looking south. The Horseshoe is on the right for reference. Spring City is down there, somewhere.

It must be summer! The sheep are moving to their mountain homes! The annual roadsheep photo. (Here's last year's.)

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