we had a grand time up in logan. Dustin and Misty's wedding was beautiful and the time in Logan was priceless. Bradley, Darren and London and we had a picnic at Willow Park followed by a romp through the little zoo there on Thursday night. (sorry, no digital photos, though we have some hi-8 i'm sure you'd love to see!)
we came home via Tremonton (Drie's Grandma's house), Brigham City (the best damn peaches in the west), down the west side of Utah Lake (oh, the tragedy of wanton sprawl and development), into the west desert and through such gems as the little mining community of Eureka. in all, very relaxing; though the kids tried their mightiest to drive all into frenzy and imbalance through such antics as crushing a bag of barbeque-flavored chips, throwing them everywhere and mashing them into each other's hair as a finale. ohmigosh. still, it was worth it.
we got home to the terrible mess we left plus a brigade of lovely little ants taking advantage of the domestic chaos disorganization and we left. eventually we crawled out of it and had a feast of crayfish our friend Paul brought over in an ice chest live and straight from the mountains above Spring City. not a bad way to end our summer.
oh yeah. i start work again on Monday. COURAGE! (what is the frequency, kenneth?)
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